About Us

Cleopas Bible Study is an original Bible study that will help to teach you methods for researching the Bible and putting its teachings into practice in your daily life.

God wrote us a love letter which is the Bible. We often spend more time reading books on the Bible than we do actually reading and studying it. In current times like this, I believe it's critical for Christians to delve deeply into God's Word which is alive and applicable, with guidance on how to live lives of worship and obedience.  It is breathed out by God and profitable for teaching, reproof, correction and training for all righteousness, able to equip us for every good work (Timothy 3:16-17). 

My passion is biblical study writing. I was able to devour the Bible and gain a profound appreciation for God's goodness as a result of Inductive style of Bible Study methods, and now I enjoy teaching my own inductive methods to others. With these methods, you'll have the "digging" tools to discover the priceless gems of God's Word, which are unparalleled to any other treasure you would ever encounter.

You will find that the Bible weaves a picture of Jesus Christ throughout its entirety, much like a beautiful tapestry. This picture allows the Scriptures to provide their own commentary by means of passages that are connected to each other throughout the Bible for us to intimately know Jesus Christ as the Author and Finisher of our Faith.

If you're reading this, I pray that you'll develop your own passion in studying the Bible and learning from its wisdom. I believe these studies are helpful for people of all Bible study experience levels, from those just getting started to those who have been studying the Bible for years.  I pray that guidance and inspiration on your own journey is as profound as it has been on mine.

Stay Strong and Stay True to the Word of God, my Friends,

DeeDee Blackford

Cleopas Bible Study

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